"The Great Gatsby" is a full of many great literary devices. One, being a more well known symbol in the book, is "the green light" that is fir
st introduced when Gatsby reaches out for it in an ernest way. The main reason for Gatsby's passionate interest in the light is the fact that it is were Daisy, the women he loves, lives. Later in the book it is confirmed that the green light is actually located at the end of Daisy's dock. Gatsby's attitude and the mysterious nature of the green light makes it a symbol of Gatsby's hope. Hope for the future, a future with Daisy. Green is said to be the color of promise and hope, so it fits the story perfect. Whether F. Scott Fitzgerald
put that much thought or research into it is unknown. It is used a couple different ways in the story. The green light symbolizes the joyful and the distraught along with it and the "wasteland" between west and east egg. Its used to compare Gatsby's dreams of being with Daisy and failing due to material objects. Fitzgerald does this by saying Gatsby's wish is like explorers discovery of wealth, they're both foiled by wealth and material objects.
