The 1920s, also known as the Roaring Twenties and the Jazz Age, was a period from 1920-1929 were the United States was very prosperous. After World War 1 America was experiencing a economic boom, allowing civilians to spend money again on leisure items. The Roaring Twenties was full of prohibition, dancing, and many new trends. Some popular dances from the twenties were the Charleston, the fox-trot, and the shimmy. Women picked up the fashion trend of bring a flapper, a casual elegantly dress women who loved to dance. These dances came about due to a new form of jazz. Now famous jazz musician Louie Armstrong, "the
king of jazz" was a popular favorite for many Americans to listen to on the radio. Almost every single American in the 1920s owned a radio and used to to listen to music, sports, and live events. It was the central connection point for the 1920 society, everyone everywhere could get together and listen to whats happening. Major baseball player Babe Ruth was a national hero. Sports broadcasting was also very popular and many Americans loved to hear announcers commentate baseball games. Movies were also a very popular fad in the 1920s, they were developing a lot and people had plenty of money to go see them. The 1920s ended in 1929 when the United States stock market crashed sending America into a depression. Overall though, in the 1920s, Americans had plenty to look forward to, from movies, catching a game on the radio, dancing to Louie Armstrong, to just having a good time with little worry.

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