Unrequited Love is a term that is used when one person is in love with another person, who isn't reciprocated. This basically means one person loves someone who doesn't love them back. Its been a theme of many poems, books, television shows, movies, etc, were the person who is loved by another, "the loved", may or may not know about his/her admirer, and eventually find out. Emotionally painful to experience and terribly awkward to see, unrequited love is generally a negative thing. "It's unmatched love"-Time Magazine. It can happen in a movie, a book, or in real life. It can really happen anywhere to anyone. Most of the time unrequited love happens between two friends or acquaintances, but its not uncomm
on for it to happen between two complete strangers. For some people its a comfort, for others its a curse. Some enjoy secretly admiring there love, while others be
come depressed over their lover not loving back. This is true for both made up story or poems and real life. Unrequited love can be dampened by "the loved" telling the lover that there not interested, but it doesn't always stop the lover from loving.

Good start, but you must discuss Gatsby in every post. 65/75
ReplyDeleteMs. Donahue